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Ohio Gets Serious About Texting While Driving

Ohio Gets Serious About Texting While Driving

No one ever expects to get pulled over when they’re driving. But if you have a learner’s permit, it’s especially important to be aware of the rules of the road and what to do when you encounter law enforcement. You are likely anxious about getting pulled over by the police. While this can be a nerve-wracking experience, it is important to remember that you have the same rights as any other driver.

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Nevada Motorists Breathe Sigh of Relief as Some Traffic Offenses Become Civil Violations

Nevada Motorists Breathe Sigh of Relief as Some Traffic Offenses Become Civil Violations

No one ever expects to get pulled over when they’re driving. But if you have a learner’s permit, it’s especially important to be aware of the rules of the road and what to do when you encounter law enforcement. You are likely anxious about getting pulled over by the police. While this can be a nerve-wracking experience, it is important to remember that you have the same rights as any other driver.

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freedom to walk jaywalking

What the Freedom to Walk Act Means for Jaywalking Tickets in California

No one ever expects to get pulled over when they’re driving. But if you have a learner’s permit, it’s especially important to be aware of the rules of the road and what to do when you encounter law enforcement. You are likely anxious about getting pulled over by the police. While this can be a nerve-wracking experience, it is important to remember that you have the same rights as any other driver.

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speed trap tickets

What Are Speed Traps and Can You Fight Speed Trap Tickets?

No one ever expects to get pulled over when they’re driving. But if you have a learner’s permit, it’s especially important to be aware of the rules of the road and what to do when you encounter law enforcement. You are likely anxious about getting pulled over by the police. While this can be a nerve-wracking experience, it is important to remember that you have the same rights as any other driver.

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common driver's license revoked

4 Common Reasons Your Driver’s License May Be Revoked

No one ever expects to get pulled over when they’re driving. But if you have a learner’s permit, it’s especially important to be aware of the rules of the road and what to do when you encounter law enforcement. You are likely anxious about getting pulled over by the police. While this can be a nerve-wracking experience, it is important to remember that you have the same rights as any other driver.

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alcohol traffic offenses

4 Alcohol-Related Traffic Offenses and How to Fight Them

No one ever expects to get pulled over when they’re driving. But if you have a learner’s permit, it’s especially important to be aware of the rules of the road and what to do when you encounter law enforcement. You are likely anxious about getting pulled over by the police. While this can be a nerve-wracking experience, it is important to remember that you have the same rights as any other driver.

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careless and reckless driving

Careless Driving vs. Reckless Driving: Which One Can Put You in Jail?

No one ever expects to get pulled over when they’re driving. But if you have a learner’s permit, it’s especially important to be aware of the rules of the road and what to do when you encounter law enforcement. You are likely anxious about getting pulled over by the police. While this can be a nerve-wracking experience, it is important to remember that you have the same rights as any other driver.

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Move Over Ticket

Fighting Your “Move Over” Ticket in Court

No one ever expects to get pulled over when they’re driving. But if you have a learner’s permit, it’s especially important to be aware of the rules of the road and what to do when you encounter law enforcement. You are likely anxious about getting pulled over by the police. While this can be a nerve-wracking experience, it is important to remember that you have the same rights as any other driver.

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Red Light Ticket

How Do I Fight a Red Light Ticket?

No one ever expects to get pulled over when they’re driving. But if you have a learner’s permit, it’s especially important to be aware of the rules of the road and what to do when you encounter law enforcement. You are likely anxious about getting pulled over by the police. While this can be a nerve-wracking experience, it is important to remember that you have the same rights as any other driver.

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learner's permit

Pulled Over With a Learner’s Permit

No one ever expects to get pulled over when they’re driving. But if you have a learner’s permit, it’s especially important to be aware of the rules of the road and what to do when you encounter law enforcement. You are likely anxious about getting pulled over by the police. While this can be a nerve-wracking experience, it is important to remember that you have the same rights as any other driver.

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